All Discussions (166)

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I want more useful resources

let's look at who is doing what? Perhaps we will be able to find useful acquaintances, it's great! For example, I do design, and I can easily design any logo, edit your favorite photo or draw a website. I like this kind of activity. That's how I make

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3 Replies · Reply by Olexaleleka Aug 1, 2024

Cigarettes or Vape?

I think that after 5-10 years, tobacco cigarettes will not be used. it has already been proven that they greatly harm people's health and even lead to lung disease. Many smokers switch to electronic cigarettes or vape. The advantage is that nicotine

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2 Replies · Reply by jamifids Jul 14, 2024

Hotel casinos

Casinos were packed with high-quality alcohol in the first half of the 20th decade (which may seem odd, but then there was an age of ban), males and females in dresses and criminal unions. It is also worth giving attention to the reality that you can

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4 Replies

Why is it worth traveling?

Traveling is a great way to study the culture of other countries and join the shrines of the peoples living there. In addition, this is a great opportunity to briefly plunge into the local language environment. It takes you quite a bit out of your co

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2 Replies

Instagram Videos Download

You can download your Instagram stories on your Android device using the most stable web browser, Chrome, simply by visiting Just follow the necessary steps and save the stories you want to download to your device in seconds.


First s

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1 Reply

How to earn money online?


Earning is made easy with Agenter, as anyone can work for any company in their

best time. Agenter will help you to generate income in an easy manner by

connecting you with the business profiles near to your location. If you find any

requirement be

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4 Replies