Education has been a way of life since time immemorial. It has defined man’s way of life for centuries. The oldest educational processes entailed sharing knowledge about hunting, gathering food, learning crude languages, making tools, acquisition of values and rites of passage. Learning and teaching evolved from the man’s struggle for enlightenment and survival. Before the onset of writing and reading, human beings lived in environments in which they were struggling to adapt and struggle against wild animals, natural forces as well as fellow human beings. In order to thrive, humans developed skills which transformed into educational and cultural patterns.
Education can be categorized into formal and informal. In formal education, teachers equip students with knowledge in a school and classroom setting whereas informal education is the overall social process through which people acquire skills and knowledge that are usually deemed appropriate in culture and society in general. In the following sections, I explore three important aspects in the educational process in the 21st century:
- Features of modern education
Use of technology
Speaking of the modern education, people feel proud to be educated regardless of whether it is formal or informal. Education is evolving a lot and technology is at the center of its transformation. It is obvious that the present day classroom needs differ a lot from the traditional classroom needs. The modern-day classroom is an ideal environment in which every student can grow the skills required in the workplace. Teachers are the key facilitators in the learning process. The key focus of the current educational systems is on students. The teaching and learning process exposes the students to the environment they will enter as present-day workers. It develops their higher order collaboration skills, thinking skills and proper communication skills thus preparing them accordingly to understand how to use technology as well as other skills that are needed in the current workplace.
Computers and other digital devices characterize our modern classrooms. Most governments and educational organizations are availing these tools to most public schools which are replacing the utilities of paper and pen. They give the students the avenue to conduct internet-based research as well as comprehend the technological skills that they require. At the same time, teachers have the opportunity to develop their lesson plans easily and also enhance their learning. Educators clearly understand that the ability to operate computing devices is an extremely important skill in the 21st century. Computers make learning highly effective and greatly assist in the educational process
Paper writing services
Today, students are using custom writing services to complete most of their assignments. A good number of them cannot generate papers in the required academic writing standards. Others have numerous assignments that they cannot complete on time. As such, they seek assistance from professional essay writers who are trained to write academic papers within very short timelines. Most students get great essay writing services and admission essay help whenever they want.
At the moment, students play a significant role in their learning. On the other hand, teachers mainly act as guides who direct students through various class and school activities. There is a growing number of knowledge facilitators compared to lecturers. Teachers mainly serve to help students understand how to learn and think critically. They act as resource persons who mentor students to invent and master concepts that are geared towards addressing the current global challenges. In the modern day classroom environment, a lot of focus is dedicated towards students’ interests, needs, learning styles and abilities.
Active learning
In modern education systems, students actively participate in the process of learning. Teachers have shifted their focus to organizing students into small groups that can discuss or work on projects jointly. Students learn to work together as well as help each other develop new skills. Through group work participation, students learn actively through reflecting, talking, listening, writing and reading. Joint working facilitates higher knowledge retention and creativity.
Invitational environment
The modern-day classrooms accommodate an average of 30-35 students. However, there are developing countries in which over 50 students still occupy one classroom. The good news is that most governments and policymakers are making a deliberate effort to reduce the number of students per class as well as standardize the student-teacher ratio to about 35:1. Most classrooms have the basic materials like LCD projectors and interactive whiteboards. Also, in some countries, there is the “Bring-Your-Own-Device” initiative that allows students to carry their tablets or laptops to the classroom for enhanced personalized learning. Technological materials have made learning more effective and have stimulated student engagement thus easing teachers work.
There are detailed rules and procedures
The present-day learning setting is well-organized and carefully planned. Procedures, notices and class rules are posted in convenient locations to aid students to stay updated. Students are frequently encouraged to remember their responsibilities and goals. Class routines and school activities are mandatory, and there is a consistent involvement of parents in their children’s welfare.
- Difference between the modern education and the education that was 20 years ago
The differences between the modern education and the education that existed 20 years ago vary from state to state and from country to country. Most variations have been experienced in policy making and use of technology. Nowadays, there is extensive use of online services that include online college admissions, applications, school placements, distant learning and internet-based exam administration. There is a widespread development of education portals and online libraries that provide multiple study resources for students.
Education has become more expensive, and there is a mushrooming establishment of international schools in big cities and towns. We now have more learning institutions than ever before. Most importantly, there is increased funding for educational initiatives and learning programmes in underdeveloped countries.
- Directions education moves and how it will be after 20 years
The practices in the conventional classrooms are no longer relevant, and educators are constantly devising new teaching techniques which are radically unique from the ones employed in the classical classroom system. The future school setting will be more focused on students’ welfare and teachers will assume the role of guides and facilitators instead of just being knowledge providers. They will ensure that students participate in the process of learning and teaching, and they will offer appropriate instructions through the use of diverse instructional approaches as well as by adopting various pedagogical techniques that will be strongly aided with technological advancements. Trends in educations indicate that teachers will actively participate in their own learning which will in turn influence how students learn. It is evident that they will seek professional development to enhance their performance as well as students’ learning. After 20 years, students will take more responsibility for their own education through collaborative learning.