Learning is an important objective among all the students studying across different levels. Text books are considered as one of the most important source of information utilised by a student in order to enhance their knowledge and understanding. Textbook are the part of one's education life but with the changing learning environment, the process of learning is also significantly changed. There are innovative online platforms like assignment help Melbourne, software and videos that allows for better learning opportunities. This leads to comment by Bill Gates that it text book is not considered as the best way of learning. There are a number of points that supports this viewpoint Bill Gates. These are briefly summarised as follows:

Learning over Internet: The availability of internet has been a good source for learners to learn in the 21st century environment. This has significantly affected the relevance of academic books because the information is readily available over internet. Anyone can easily search for any topic and can get the results in seconds. Textbook however comprises of information on a particular domain or subject area, whereas the use of internet allows the learner to search on any topic from any subject or domain area. Because of this easy availability of information on any topic on the internet, it is considered as the better source over books, and this is an important reason leading to comment by Bill Gates that textbook is not the best way to learn.

Learning through Images: Images are a great source of information provided they are drawn in a perfect way covering all the information. It is quite boring for people to read a lot of text and they find it easier to understand and learn from an image. Studies have found that people have better tendency of recognition of information from an image as compared to text. It can be possible to efficiently position the message into people's mind with the help of an image. The use of infographic is an example of an image which covers complete information on a topic. The facts and data can be easily informed to the user with the help of an infographic. Information on a long written piece of paper can be presented in a concise manner with the help of an infographic. This has also affected the valuables of textbook to a great extent among the learners.

Learning through Videos: Videos can also be a good source of learning for people. The concept and theories can be presented in videos which can be a motivational source of learning. There are different types of software available that can help in creating engaging videos in order to attract the attention of learner. According to Bill Gates, instead of reading the chapter on solving equations, people can easily find out the text online and also watch a super engaging video that shows how it is done and play a game that reinforces the concept. This is an important way of learning through videos rather than using textbook. Because of the advancement in technology, it is possible that problems can be solved online and the availability of software allows the creation of new quiz questions in order to test the learning about the new ideas.

Because of the availability of new ways of learning and new technologies supporting the learning process of people, the relevance of textbook is declining. However it is not considered as effective to say that text book has no relevance at all, but the presence of innovative ways of learning such as online platform like assignment help South Africa has impacted the relevance of textbook to a great extent.

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