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  • Laitan Hyperlinkin Kauppalehti blogiini.
  • Sari, minulla on mielenkiintoinen uutinen sinulle Kauppalehdestä.
    Jutta pyysi ottamaan yhteyttä. Tässä saattaa olla uutta aineistoa yhteisöjen rakentajille. Kodittomat ja uskottomat blogaajat on tunnettu ilmiö sosiaalisessa mediassa. Kommentoi ja poikkea myös piksussa, joka mainitaan KL blogissa. Lue tämän päivän kommentointia. Tämä ei ole mikään vastalause vaan kutsun sitä sosiaalisen median kapakkakierrokseksi. Saisko tästä irti jotain tutkimukseesi? Moikka Helge
  • Sari, I look at Sari's friends. I think you've to Add friends. The system is made up to not allow spam to your email. When you start adding people then you get the messages. Now only me, Helge, is in Sari's friends. The system is similiar to Facebook. Add Juha and Olli to start with while both are visiting Lappeenranta university soon. Br Helge
  • Hello Juha,
    I'm not sure, if you have received my 2 comments to you, (previous on thursday), cause I can't see them anywhere... So:
    It is fine, if you call me on the 9th of September. My number is 040 585 2872
    Have a nice weekend!
  • Hello Sari! I am not sure which lectures I shall listen but I can call you in the morning 9th Sept. to discuss about exact time of our meeting. - My phone number is 046 8973426.

  • Good afternoon Sari, I'm testing if this information is coming to your email. Let me know if it arrived. Check your "My settings" to ensure that the email that you've given to Ning is correct. Br Helge
  • Hello Sari! What is your special area in LUT? I shall have a presentation in LUT/Lappeenranta in September. I would be nice to discuss about microbiology if it interests you. I have gor contacts to LUT/Savonlinna (prof. Jari Käyhkö) and have some ideas about paper process and waste water research projects.

    WBR, Juha
  • Sari, welcome to the team. We plan to visit the Lappeenranta technical university with Olli Kalio in the near future. I hope we could meet face-to-face over a cup of coffee. I'll inform in detail when we have definite decision about the date. Br Helge
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